My Grandmother's Paintings

“My Grandma started painting at the onset of old age. She has been a prime example of how beautifully old-age can be led.”

She loved nature, she loved Gurbani and she loved doing Simran. All of her passions culminated into the most amazing art pieces. 

“These are only a fraction of all the pieces she created in her lifetime.”

These works came from within. She had no experience in drawing. She only painted what she felt.

I believe she did Simran even as she painted these beautiful artworks. It was a form of meditation.

Imagine how a small child like me would be fascinated?

I was in awe. I loved drawing from an early age and watching her only fueled my passion.

Even at her age, she inspired a child to follow her heart. That’s true living. And I’m indeed blessed to have her as my legacy.

I stand today, on her shoulders. The Quote Potpourri is forever in her debt. Thank you, Nani Ma. You live on in my art.

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