“Tu Kaahe Doleh Praniyaa Tudh Raakhega Sirjanhaar”

Dear Waheguru Ji,

The older I get the more I realise that life is a journey of the self. While people pursue countless paths, diverse dreams, and various goals; there are no absolute rights or wrongs. Life offers a vast and boundless experience with no rigid sequence to follow. In many ways, it resembles a blank canvas, waiting to be filled according to one’s own vision. The only true compass lies within—the compass of authenticity. By living in with one’s most truest and honest self, one follows the only path that truly matters. When I choose what resonates most with who I am, everything else naturally falls into place, and I feel an even deeper connection to you.

Every time I remain true to myself, honor my needs, and my individuality, I sense my Guru’s presence, guiding and accompanying me. As a result, I no longer fear losing my way, for trusting with you. No decision is ever truly wrong—only detour. I may dwindle at times, knowing that by realigning my inner compass, I will always find my way back to the right path—my path. I look to you with faith, knowing that you protect and guide me, ensuring I remain exactly where I  meant to be.

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