A Journey With Indian And Sikh Name Artworks – Arth

When I decided to start the series on Indian names called ‘Arth’…

I knew it will be a long journey. The team and I have been toiling on various artworks for months and I would like to recap the ones we have finalised so far. They are all available for purchase on the Shop.
Thank you all for your patience as we slowly and surely try to complete each name on our list!

Swipe left to view all the artworks and comment below to let us know your favourite one!

In 2023, I vowed to do more art that I wanted to see in the world. So I dug deep & asked my younger self to remember what she had once needed.

Tiny Gurnain had once been ashamed of her name. Yes! She was always wanted everyone to call her ‘Samantha’, ‘Caroline’ or ‘Jessica’!

As I look back, I think of why that is. And remember that I never saw people that looked like me celebrate what it meant to have a name.

Independent, though India Was….

Indians have taken much longer to be free of colonial oppression. It was mental this time. We were yet to find the pride we had lost while centuries under the Queen’s Rule.

‘Arth’ is an effort in reversing that ‘mental oppression’

I want Indian children to celebrate themselves & the ones who fought for them. I want them to be proud of who they are.

Pride in Self.

Pride in being ‘ Us’.

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