KAUR…”A Princess”. But what does it really mean to be a Kaur? What did Guru Gobind Singh Ji have in mind when he proclaimed that all men and women had the right to their own choices, to freedom?

The poem explores the term, beyond just a physical appearance of uncut hair, the 5 Ks and a turban. While they are equally important, it seems the balance has tipped to only the physical aspect of Sikhi. One must make the effort to retrospect on the real essence behind the teachings. If we do not pay heed to the things that truly matter, we fear losing our culture to oblivion.

“To be a Kaur is to be privileged!

To be a Kaur is to be free.

From caste and creed…from inequality~!


To be a Kaur is to be limitless.

To be a Kaur is to be worthy…

Of love, Of compassion,

Of Sewa and Bravery.


Stand up for yourself and

Stand up for others…

Forever know your worth

and forever remind others.


Be a poem,

Be a song,

Be an ode to humanity!


Be the Kaur

Your Guru wanted you to be

Be a Kaur

Brave and free.”

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